Experiments in Raytracing

Raytracing was always something I thought was nifty, but was afraid to try simply because it looked quite difficult. However, I eventually did take the plunge and spent some time with POV-ray... and discovered an apparent aptitude.

Below are a few examples of my first bout of raytracing fever. I spent a few days barely eating or sleeping while I created these and several other scenes. And then suddenly tired of it and stopped. I haven't touched raytracing since, though someday when I have the time I'm sure I'll come back to it.

The creatures pictured in these scenes are the sort of thing I've been imagining and drawing since I was very young. I've always been fascinated with life (as in biological life) and the possibility of it occurring on other planets and in other environments. Raytracing gives me a chance to make these imaginings real, and I hope to explore it again.

Family group

Running free

Love at first sight



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