This was a real bird. Rully. His name was bluebell, but I always used to simply call him 'bird'. He was lots of fun, but this propensity of his could become a bit annoying at times. Not tonight, bird, I've got a headache.

The Bawdiest Bird of All

by Damon Harper

Shortsighted budgie,
cere flushed,
screeches excitement.
That, there, that's
about the right size!
And he mates my finger.

Randy bird,
trying to impregnate a pencil --
don't you know
it doesn't have
sex, or gender?

Disappointed budgerigar
realises the stapler
is incapable,
moves on
to his mirror.
crystal doppelgangers
give no satisfaction.

Dejected friend,
can't you see:
coitus with these
is not to be.

Tired blue timebomb
perches on my glasses
and preens my hair,
muttering drowsily.
Someday I must get him a mate.

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Copyright © 1994 by Damon Harper.
[damon's signature]